Compliance Reporting Dashboard
Inside Reporting, you'll find your Compliance Reporting dashboard. This heat map-style grid (similar to the User & Location Completion Grids) tracks all current compliance training(s) that has been assigned to employees. This dashboard offers you a single source of truth for how locations and employees are pacing for completing their compliance training.
Filter by Location
The default view of the dashboard shows locations on your left. By clicking into an individual location, you'll see a list of all active assignments, expiration dates, and their completion status:
Importing & Exporting Certificate Statuses
Export lists to a CSV file by clicking "Export" in the top right corner and view certificates by clicking the three dots at the end of each row and clicking "Download Certificate".
To track compliance status for employees that received training outside of Opus, you can upload third-party certificates and manually mark the employee as compliant so that you have a single-source of truth for compliance.
Click "Import Certificates"
Select which users need to be manually marked as compliant
Indicate the dates of their certification
Click "Import"
Please note that Opus does not hold or store third-party certificates. Opus automatically generates certificates for all compliance trainings with the exception of Food Handlers and Food Manager. While those certification dates are tracked in Opus, the Food Handlers and Food Manager certificates are property of the employee.
Filter by Compliance Training
To track certification status by compliance training, click into any compliance training on the grid.
Under "Assignments", you'll see a list of all active assignments and their completion statuses.
Under "Certificates", you'll see a list of active certificate statuses.
Once someone completes their compliance training, they'll move from the "Assignments" to the "Certificates" tab. Employees certified through manual certificate import will also show on the certificates tab.