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Custom Report Builder Overview
Custom Report Builder Overview

Get started with building your own reports in Opus.

Sara Delgado avatar
Written by Sara Delgado
Updated over a week ago

The Custom Report Builder gives you access and control over all of your training data in Opus. With the Custom Report Builder, you can:

  • Export the data you need across users, assignments, check-ins, and more.

  • Save reporting views to your dashboard for easy access.

  • Get saved reports automatically delivered to your inbox each week.

For a quick tutorial of how to get started, watch the video below:

Getting Started with the Custom Report Builder

To create a custom report, you'll need to select a topic first. Topics cover a list of subject areas in Opus and only one can be selected at a time.

Once you've selected a topic, a list of topic-specific fields will appear. These fields will build out the columns of your report. To hide fields, just click on the fields to hide it from the report. You can also re-order fields by clicking and dragging each one into the order that suits your report.

Once you've selected your fields, you can go and filter your report by field. This helps you specify your report to a window of time, location(s), role(s), accuracy score, and more. You can add on as many filters as you'd like:

For example, to specify your report down to a window of time (i.e. Assignment completions between October 2, 2023 and October 9, 2023), select "Created At" and under "Absolute" click "Select Operator" for "Greater than or equal to 10/2/2023" and create another filter for "Less than or equal to 10/9/2023".

Once you've created your report, you can download or save the report in the top right. By downloading the report, a CSV file export will download directly to your computer.

By saving the report, you have the ability to name and schedule a report email that sends every week to your inbox to you and any team members.

You can always edit any saved report at anytime. For more questions about custom reporting, feel free to reach out to our team by emailing

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