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Trainee Mode Overview

Learn more about what trainees see in the Opus Training app.

Written by David Lamont
Updated over 4 months ago

The Opus Training Mobile app has two modes: Manager mode and Trainee mode. All users in Opus (Admins, Managers and Trainees) have access to Trainee mode in the mobile app. Trainees are in Trainee mode by default, whereas Admins and Managers have the option to switch between Manager and Trainee mode by pressing down on "Home".

Click here to learn more about inviting your team to Opus as a trainee.

There are 4 areas in trainee mode. Let's dig in to each section.

Note: You may be asked to confirm that you're clocked in before you can proceed with training or viewing messages or resources. If you reply "no" to the clock in confirmation prompt in the app, you'll be reminded that you must be clocked in to proceed. You will need to reply "yes" to the clock-in confirmation question in order to proceed.

Click here to learn more about clock-in confirmation.


As soon as a Trainee opens the Opus Training mobile app, they'll see a carousel of their pending trainings to be completed on the "Learn" tab. Trainees can start any of these assignments and pick back up where they left off, the app will automatically save their spot in a course or module.

To start or resume a course, tap the course card. A module may include one or multiple courses. Once a trainee has completed all available courses or modules, that card will disappear from their pending assignments.


Next on the app navigation, is "Library". This is where trainees can refer back to completed assignments and view items they have access to. In the Library, trainees are able Check-ins, Resources, Modules, and Courses.

Here, they will find their completed courses, including your accuracy score, all questions and responses, and certificates (where applicable) on your profile page. For quick and easy access in the Library, trainees can tap the buttons at the top to quickly filter their library by tags. To learn more about how Tags are controlled in the dashboard, click here.


Next to "Library", you'll find "Messages". All messages (both read and unread) appear in chronological order under the Messages tab in the bottom left of the home screen. Tap a message to view it in its entirety. Tap the back icon to return to your home screen.

All messages are one-way, you can not reply to any message you receive on the Opus Training app.


Any resources that have been assigned to your location, your role or to you directly can be found under the Resources tab. Resources are typically company resources in the form of images, pdfs, videos and more.

Use the All Resources search bar to search by course title or course description.


To access your profile page in the app, tap the Profile icon in the top right of the home screen. Some fields you can edit, others you can only view, here's a breakdown

On your profile page you can edit the following:

  • your name

  • your preferred language

Once you update your preferred language, all of your courses and messages automatically update to reflect your new language.

On your profile page you can view the following:

  • location and roles you belong to

  • courses you've completed

Lastly, you can log out of the app from your profile page and switch to Manager mode - if you have access. Click here to learn more about Manager mode

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