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How to Build Modules
How to Build Modules

Learn how to build and edit modules in Opus.

Sara Delgado avatar
Written by Sara Delgado
Updated over a week ago

Modules are collections of Courses, Resources, and Check-ins designed to help a learner achieve training or mastery on a specific topic or learning objective. Modules are useful if you have a set of courses that you plan to assign on a routine basis.

When creating content in Opus, we recommend first thinking about the learning outcome you're trying to achieve and outlining that into a Module. In Opus, you can create Courses, Resources, and Check-ins while you're building your module.

For example:

  • Objective: Trainees will understand our hospitality story and philosophy

  • Module: New Hire Orientation

    • Course: "Our story"

    • Course: "Our mission and values"

    • Course: "Hospitality at our company"

    • Resource: "Company leadership"

    • Course: "Uniform policy"

    • Check-in: "Uniform check"

Building and editing modules in Opus is easy. To get started:

  • Click "+" in the top navigation and scroll down to Module. To edit an existing Module, go to your Library and click on the Module you're trying to edit.

  • From here, you'll have the option to start from scratch or use AI-Assist to take an existing Resource or description and turn that into an outline.

    • Learn more about using AI-Assist to generate Courses and Module outlines here.

For the purposes of this demonstration, let's say you're creating your Module from scratch.

  • On the lefthand side, you'll be able to add existing content from your Library. This could be a Course, Resource, or Check-in.

    • If you don't have any existing content to work with, you can also create new Courses, Resources, or Check-ins right there by clicking "Add New" in the "Add Content" dropdown.

    • Learn How to Build Courses here.

    • Learn How to Build Check-ins here.

    • Learn How to Upload Resources here.

  • On the righthand side, you'll see your basic Module settings:

    • Due date

      • Set a due date for your Module by configuring a specific date or number of days from assignment.

    • Complete in order

      • Depending on how your Module is arranged, you can require that Trainees have to complete the Module in order by section or step-by-step.

      • When this is toggled off or "No", Trainees can complete the Module in any order they see fit.

Once you've added in (or started building) your content (Course, Resource, or Check-in), you'll see the contents of your Module begin to populate. You'll also see controls that allow you to quickly build and edit your Module and its contents.

In the top navigation bar:

  • Click on the Module title to edit the name and description.

  • Switch between Build, Manage, and Reporting mode.

  • Copy and paste or undo actions, you can use familiar keyboard keystrokes such as CMD/Ctrl+C (Copy), CMD/Ctrl+V (Paste), CMD/Ctrl+Z (Undo).

    • You can also Undo and Redo using the left and right arrows in the top navigation bar.

  • Activate Translations mode to view your content across 100+ languages. Learn more about how to use the Translations editor here.

  • Quickly publish and assign your Module

  • An overflow menu (indicated by three dots) that gives you the option to:

    • Edit module title and description

    • Adjust your module settings

    • Export a PDF of your module

    • Duplicate or Archive your module

At the bottom, you'll see the Grid view toggle so that you can adjust your view so that you can view and edit multiple screens at once.

As you build out your module, add Sections so that you can click and drag content and organize it by sequence or topic. Organizing your module's contents by section provides a structured training experience for trainees.

Module Statuses

Every module has one of three a statuses - Draft, Published, Unpublished Changes.

Module publish tatus can be found on the module list under the Status column or in the top left corner of the Module page.

Draft: a module that has never been published and can be edited.

See all of your draft modules by sorting the course list by "Status".

All courses you build start as drafts and are only accessible to Admins by default.

Please not that course drafts cannot be assigned or added to a Module.

Published: a module that has met all of the requirements to be assigned to a trainee.

Only published courses can be assigned or added to a module. If a course does not meet the requirements to be published, you will be notified of what's missing on the course page after you hit the publish button.

Unpublished Changes: A published module that has been edited but not yet re-published to reflect the new edits.

Modules with the status "unpublished changes" are published modules that may or may not be assigned. The most recent edits made to the module are not visible to current assignees because the module has not been published since those changes were made been made.

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